Jameel and Hilcia

We are avid travelers that are truly inspired by beautiful places, amazing culture and the incredible people that we meet along the way of our adventures.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we hope to inspire you with interviews of those that inspire us, along with in-depth looks at what’s local in this wonderful planet of ours as we fill our need for wanderlust…

Jameel & Hilcia


Jameel is a Writer | Artist | Photographer and has worked and traveled throughout the world. He is inspired by urban artists, incredible foods and natural wonders. He grew up in Los Angeles and has lived in New York & Shanghai…


Hilcia is an Architect | Artist | Photographer and is inspired by local people, amazing environments and authentic experiences.  She grew up in Miami and has lived in Los Angeles and Shanghai…

They currently live in Hong Kong and travel throughout the world every minute that they get, whether exploring the ancient ruins of a temple in Southeast Asia or dipping their toes in the breathtaking turquoise waters of the Caribbean.

There is a new “local” destination awaiting them somewhere in this great world…